We love to support our local artists! Our salon features original artwork by local artists who help bring joy and beauty to our atmosphere. Check out our current installation and featured artist below.
Owner Ava Hastey's newest project "Angels to the Rescue" honors the animals in our lives that bring us joy. "It is no secret that our current political crisis has sent us into a frenzy. As the lies, insults, and deceit fly around us at a maddening pace, it is important to take 'paws' and see the good that surrounds us, the hope that inspires us, the humor that warms us, and the love that embraces us. There is good in the world, and you can see it represented in these king and queen angels. They give us unconditional love, protect us, and bring us the greatest joy. I wanted to honor these furry friends as a way of also honoring the billions of people in the world who are guardians of love an compassion. They exist in every color, faith, and nation, and we cannot forget them. I hope these paintings will bring you the same love and humor they have brought to me." -Ava Hastey Select pieces in the salon are available for purchase. Want a special painting of your beloved animal? Ava happily accepts commission works! Contact us for more information. |
Address: 1509 Old W. 38th Ste. 1 Phone: 512.302.5790 Email: [email protected] Feedback